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Painless ( Epidural) delivery

An epidural is a technique that involves injecting a local anaesthetic into the region around your lower back's spinal nerves. This successfully inhibits the discomfort of labour contractions as well as the pain of childbirth.


Our experienced doctors at Sree Prathyusha Hospitals help new mothers have a pain-free delivery by assisting them in having a comfortable childbirth experience by making coping with labour pain simple.

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vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC)


If you've had a C-section before and are pregnant again, you may be allowed to select between a repeat C-section and a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC).


VBAC is commonly chosen for the following reasons:

  • Impact on future pregnancies. 

  • Reduces the possibility of surgical complications.

  • Shorter recovery time.

  • Opportunity for an individualised birth plan. 


Some hospitals do not provide VBAC due to a lack of staff or resources to perform emergency C-sections. Sree Prathyusha hospitals provide you with 24/7 hours of service and have proper resources with experienced experts.

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