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A diagnostic laparoscopy usually referred to as a "laparoscopy," is a surgical diagnostic technique used to inspect the organs inside the abdomen as well as other closed areas, such as the knees. It's a minimally invasive technique that carries a low risk and just calls for tiny incisions.

A laparoscope is a device used by a physician during an abdominal laparoscopy to view the abdominal organs. The front of a laparoscope has a high-intensity light source and a high-quality camera. An abdominal wall incision is used to install the device. The camera transmits images to a monitor screen as it moves.

The surgeon can view the inside of your body during a laparoscopy without making a significant incision.

How is it done?

Before the development of this method, a surgeon operating on a patient's abdomen had to create a 6- to 12-inch-long cut. They had enough space to observe what they were doing and access whatever they needed to work on thanks to this.

In laparoscopic surgery, the doctor makes a number of tiny incisions. They often measure no more than a half-inch each. This explains why it's frequently referred to as “keyhole surgery”. The camera and surgical tools are inserted through tubes that are inserted through each opening. The surgery is then carried out by the surgeon.

Using laparoscopy, the surgeon can look at

  • Uterus

  • Abdomen

  • Ovaries

  • Fallopian tubes

  • Liver

  • Pancreas

  • Gallbladder

Is laparoscopy safe?

Serious problems from laparoscopy are uncommon because it is a standard and regular treatment. According to statistics, 1 to 2 cases out of every 100 involving laparoscopy will experience minor problems. One out of every 1,000 laparoscopies is thought to result in serious problems.

Risks associated with this procedure include:

  • Infection

  • Fever and chills

  • Minor bleeding

  • Feeling sick

  • Intense abdominal pain

  • Damage to the artery

  • Damage to organs

  • Blood clots

To quickly recover from laparoscopic surgery

  • Start doing some modest exercise as soon as you can to lower your risk of blood clots.

  • Sleep more than you usually do.

  • Put on comfortable clothing.

At Prathyusha Hospital, we have doctors with proven expertise in many treatments, including laparoscopy.

Consult us for any queries and the best solutions for your issues.

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