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National Cancer Awareness Week 2022

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

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National Cancer Awareness Week At Sree Prathyusha Hospital

Every year on November 7 in India, National Cancer Awareness Day 2022 is observed. This day is significant because it informs people about the serious risk of cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the second-leading cause of death worldwide. The purpose of observing this day nationally is to raise public understanding and awareness of cancer illnesses and to encourage all stakeholders, including the government, to take appropriate action.

We, at Prathyusha Hospitals, take this opportunity to help raise awareness about cervical cancer in women. This week, i.e., from November 7 to 14, 2022, we are providing Pap smear tests for Rs. 200 and free OPD consultations.

Let us know how to detect breast cancer and cervical cancer in women.

Breast Cancer

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Breast Cancer

Breast cancer screening is the process of examining a woman's breasts for cancer before she exhibits any signs or symptoms of the disease. All women should be informed about the appropriate screening options for them by their doctor. Although breast cancer screening cannot prevent it, it can help detect it early, when it is easier to cure. A mammogram is a type of breast X-ray. Mammograms are often the most effective technique for women to detect breast cancer early when it is less difficult to treat and before it has grown large enough to feel or produce symptoms. Regular mammograms can reduce the risk of breast cancer-related death. For most women undergoing screening, mammography is now the most effective method of detecting breast cancer. Mammograms should be used for yearly breast cancer screening in women ages 40 to 44.

Cervical Cancer

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Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer appears as a tumor within the cervix. A pre-cancerous lesion may take several years to develop into cervical cancer, and it may never develop into malignant lesions. In India, cervical cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer.

Simple Steps to prevent Cervical Cancer for women

Cervical cancer vaccination

Cervical cancer frequently strikes during a woman's reproductive years. By the time they are 50, more than 80% of sexually active women are thought to have genital HPV. Therefore, vaccination appears to be an effective method of preventing this cancer given the availability of two HPV vaccines.

Take the pap test

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The Pap test is used as a cervical cancer screening test. Women between the ages of 21 and 65 are advised to have frequent Pap smear testing. Women with normal Pap test results should have the test repeated every three years. Your Pap test findings can be "Normal," "Unclear," or "Abnormal." Depending on the abnormal cellular alterations found in the cervical cells, an abnormal result may be classified as high-grade or low-grade. It is necessary to monitor and respond to high-grade alterations with greater attention. These are also known as pre-cancerous lesions.

Get the HPV Test when recommended

An HPV test looks for viral DNA in the cells of the cervix. It is generally suggested for women over the age of 30 in conjunction with the PAP test. This is known as HPV co-testing. An HPV test result will usually be "Negative" or "Positive." If your test results are positive, you likely have an HPV that has been associated with cervical cancer. The findings of the Pap and HPV tests are both taken into consideration when deciding what to do next.

We advise you to undergo the necessary tests once you are eligible for them. Treatment of any problem at the initial stages is far better than treating it in the final stages.

"The best protection is early detection."

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