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Sree Prathyusha hospitals provide all the services for you and your baby under one roof. We've got you covered for everything from fertility to maternity care, delivery, and paediatric care.

We offer personalised care to your journey towards motherhood from conception to delivery and beyond. 


We believe in holistic and personal care to achieve goal of healthy mother and healthy baby 


Our areas of expertise include:

1. Round the clock availability of obstetrician and anaesthetist 

2. Painless deliveries with epidural analgesia & Entonox

3. In house ultrasonography

4. ICU for high risk pregnancy 

5. Continuous electronic monitoring pregnancy 

  • Preconception advice

  • Antenatal care

  • Painless and VBAC deliveries 

  • Postnatal care  

  • Lactational counselling 


High risk pregnancy care 

  • Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

  • Pre eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy)

  • Bad obsletice history (BOH)

  • Preterm labour 

  • Placenta praevia 

  • Twins / multiple pregnancy 

  • Rh negative pregnancy 

  • Oligohydramnios & IUGR 


Care of pregnancy loss

  • Missed abortion

  • Recurrent miscarriages 

  • Ectopic pregnancy 


The infrastructure and equipment  at sree prathyusha hospital have been set up to the highest specifications to ensure the comfort of both our medical team and our clients. 


  • Luxury birth suite 

  • Modular operation theatres 

  • Day care unit 

  • Excellent patient comfort 

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